Men's Workshop Objectives

1) To identify at least one willing and faithful man in each of the churches in the conference that would help lead and build a men's ministry locally in their church, while working with the conference for support and increase of their local ministry for the years 2014 - 2020.


2) The men's ministry established in those churches will reach out to other men in the churches and communities.


3) Ensure every man is prepared with the spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and undestanding of God's word and tools towards living their lives as men.


 4) To make disciples of all men!


 Our Mission Statement

Together, we will help present every man with a credible offer of the Gospel, to encourage them to pursue God, and equip them with Spiritual service in their homes, churches, workplaces, community, and work; to identify and equip at least one man in every willing congregational, man who wants to build disciples--making ministry to men by the year 2014--2019.


*Additionally, that there is a ministry group in every church, that these groups will reach out to all men in their church and community, that every man will be trained and motivated "to offer Christ".



men through his teaching" Roman 12:1-2, be transformed by the renewing of your mind," Matthew 28:18-20, Making disciples....baptizing them..teaching then to obey ( Christ). Timothy 2:2, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.



men toward the goal of  becoming perfect in Christ.Colossians 1:28-29. ..we may present everyone perfect. Ephesians 4:12-13. .. Until we all reach unity in the faith..and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fulliness of Christ. 



Our Purpose

To inspire, teach, and equip men in the church to become involved in lifestyle evangelism, To create opportunity for men to serve by challenging, training, and encoraging them in their God given ministry under the leadership of their respective Pastors. To challenge men to sponsor and participate in planting others seeds of faith and growth of others men in their churches.To organize a group of men of action ministry at the general conference,and at local levels to reach out through the local church, community, nation, and world in times of crisis, disaster, and local need.


Strategy for Reaching Men 

1.  Building and rebuilding spiritual relationships with other men

2.  Establishing and understanding your identity in Christ

3.  Making a new run after God

4.  Building value and purpose in Men being a part of a band of brothers,

5. Giving men the opportunity to be transparent and honest so they can be healed and set free.

6. Leaning how to fight and find their place in the battle.

7. Leaning how to be a builder of the Kingdom.

8. Become a leader in the home, the work place, and the Church.

9. HAVING FUN and enjoying a spriritual walk in Christ together.


How Fishers of Men  Implement the 3 "E" s

"Establish " Matthew 5:7 built up men in the faith

- He desired men to have a solid Knowledge of him,

- Know what it was to trust him and obey, walk with him

- Follow him for the rest of your life.


"Equip"_ Mark 6:7-11,equip men through God's Holy Word.

            - Identifying and equipping men to serve in the local church.

            - Raising up an army of men to fulfill the the  Great commission

              amoung their peers.

            - He sends an expanded team out to minister.


"Empower" John 13:17 When you empower others,

             - You start developing leaders who can carry on the ministry

               after you move on.

             - Jesus knew he had only three years to develop the disciple.

             - Developing leaders is the most important thing you can do.

             - Keeping in mind the "Leadership Pipline."


                    2020 -  2021 Men's Conference Calendar

                     All Meeting Times - 10:00 am to 12:30 pm





                                     President: Elder E.Julius Carter

                           Vice Presiedent: Elder Charles Harrison

                                     Secretary: Rev Jena Beck

                            Treasure & Advisory; Rev Barry Palmer










        UPCOMING Event 


118th Series Workshop on Sat-11-16-2024 at 09:00am, at Tempting Congregational Church,398 Tempting Congregation Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330


5th Sunday Union ,on 12-29-2024 10:00am at Tempting Congregational

Church,398 Tempting Cgurch Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330







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