Election of Officers



             {Elections occur every 3 years -- Next Election Year 2024, July}




                        *    A     term is considered 3 years

                        *    A     person may serve up to 2 consecutive terms (6 years in the

                                     same office)

            ( if a person has served 2 consecutive terms, he/she cannot be reelected to

             that office unless he/she has been out of that office for at least one term.

             However, a person who has served 2 consecutive terms in one office is

             eligible to serve in the capacity of another office).


             Example--if John Doe was elected Moderator and served 2 consecutive

             terms, he cannot be elected again as Moderator without being replaced.

             John Doe is, however, immediately eligible to be elected to any office, such

             as Vice Moderator, etc.



                        *   The Treasurer position is standing and therefore, will not need to

                             be reelected.


                             Rev Jonathan Hawes Sr. is the currently Treasurer





           Conferences Officers   


           All Nominees for Conference offices must attend 95% of all Conference   

           functions to be nominated.


           The office and the person currently holding that office is listed. Each of these

           officers have currently served 1 term, exempt the Moderator. Each of the

           officers may be retained in theirs respective position, moved to a different

           position,or be replaced. Please nominate two people for each position.



          The Ballots are to be turned in to the Conference Secretary, Sister Lorretta

           Manness _________________  at the Sunday School Convention,



          Duties of the Moderator -- The Job


         Conference Moderator -- The Person


                -- In regular attendance ( 95%) of all conference function


                -- Knowledge of congregational policies and procedures


                -- Able to work well with others


                -- A clear communicator who skills in both oral and written media


                -- Leadership qualities



          Conference Moderator---The Job


                 --Shall preside over or facilitate all business meetings of the conference


                  -- Able to follow and enforce Robert's Rules of Order


                  -- State all motions made, secure order in the discussion of them, put

                      them to a vote and announce the results.


                  -- Responsible for preparation of agendas


                 -- Responsible for coordinating all non-program aspects of Conference


                 -- Makes himself available for the giving of advice and to help Officers and



                 -- May call together Boards or Committees or Pastors to assist in

                    surveying administrative problems of the conference and/or church and

                    for advice in the preparation of resolutions


                 -- Perform administrative aspect for installation of Pastors


                 -- Give address(speech) 1st and 2nd session of NCCCC business




         Duties of the Vic Moderator



         Conference Vice Moderator-- The Person


                 -- In regular attendance (95%) of all conference function


                 -- Knowledgeable of congregational policies and procedures


                 -- Able to work well with others


                 -- A clear communicator who possesses skills in both oral and written



                 -- Leadership qualities 




           Conference Vice Moderator---The Job



                   -- Shall preside over or facilitate all business meeting of the Conference

                       in the absent of the Moderator


                   -- Able to follow and enforce Robert's Rules of Order


                   -- State all motions made, secure order in the discussion of them, put

                       them to vote, and announce the results.


                   -- Responsible for preparation of agendas


                   -- Responsible for coordinating all non-program aspects of Conference in

                       the absent of the Moderator


                   -- Makes himself available for the giving of advice and to help Officers

                      and Administrators



          Duties of the Clerk



          Conference Clerk -- The Person


                 -- In regular attendance of 95% of all conference functions


                 -- Able to work well with others


                 -- Organized


                 -- A clear communicate who possesses skills in both oral and written



                -- Detail oriented


                -- Prompt



         Conference Clerk -- The Job        



            -- Record events that happen in the life of the conference ( business and



             -- Includes 1st and 2nd sessions, workshops, all meetings called by the



            -- Compile minuntes from all conference and other organization meetings


            -- Keep accurate and up-to-date records


            -- Record concise minuntes and accurate membership roles


            -- Write a resolution upon the death of a member


            -- Send correspondence to churches and personnel of upcoming events


            -- Write letters as necessary


            -- Compile communications booklets


            -- Keep up to date directory of minuntes


            -- Create programs



        Duties of Financial Secretary 



        The Person:


              -- In regular attendance (95%) of all conference functions


              -- Able to work well with others


              -- Organized


              -- A clear communicator who possesses skills in both oral and written media


              -- Detail oriented


              -- Prompt



       The Job


                -- Give a receipt for all monies received for the Confernce


                -- Remit monies at once to treasure or deposit in bank approved by the

                   Executive Committee


                -- Give a copy of the deposit slip for the Conference


                -- Prepare authorizations for payment as authorized by Executive

                   Committee or Conference forward to the treasurer


                -- Keep accurate record of all receipt and authorizations for payment for

                    filling with the Treasurer's financial records for the Conference


                 -- Present statement of account at every meeting of the association and

                    the Executive Committee and at other times requested by the



                  -- Make annual report to the Conference and perform such other duties as

                     may be delegated



           Field Worker


           Purpose of the Field Worker -- to be a liason between the conference and

           individual churches. Observe conditions of the church spiritually and   

           physically.  Report any issues concerning false teaching or issues the church

           may be struggling with to the Moderator.


           In regular attendance (95%) of all conference functions


           * Churches are expected to give the field worker a donation and may be given

             the opportunity to speak*



            Field Worker---the Job


            -- Field God lead you


            -- Not necessary to go to each church each year


            -- Don't go to inactive churches


            -- Call the churches you plan to attend before you go


            -- Be prepare to speak/preach if called upon


            -- Report to Moderator/Vice Moderator any issues or repairs that are seen

                and/or addressed


            -- Available to fill-in for Pastors


            -- Makes a report of each visit to be included in combined minuntes ( denote

                issues in the report )







                    Ballot  submitted_______________________________Church


Moderator                  Name                                                     Church

 Permanent          Rev Larry Barrett                    Bear Creek Congregational Church


Nomination         _______________                       __________________________


Nomination         _______________                       __________________________


Vice Moderator            Name                                                 Church

Currently               Elder Charles Harrison        Alston Grove Congregational Church


Nomination          _______________                       __________________________


Nomination          _______________                       __________________________  


Secretary                    Name                                                  Church

Currently            Sister Lorretta Maness                Bear Creek Congregational Church


Nomination         __________________                  __________________________


Nomination         __________________                  __________________________






                     Ballot     submitted______________________________Church



Asst. Secretary           Name                                                 Church

currently                     Sister                                                 Congregational Church


Nomination         ____________________               _________________________


Nomination         ____________________               _________________________



Financial Secretary    Name                                                      Church

currently               Elder Anothny Prince                   Tempting Congregational Church


Nomination          ______________________             _______________________


Nomination          ______________________             _______________________


Field Worker                 Name                                                        Church

currently               Elder E Julius Carter                         Alsto Grove Congregational                                                                                             Church

Nomination           _____________________               ________________________


Nomination           _____________________               ________________________

        UPCOMING Event 


5th Sunday Union,0n 09-29-2024,at 10:00am Mary Grove Congregational Church,3836 Mary Grove Church Rd,

Mebane, North Carolina 27302.


Women's 13th Annual Women's Retreat, Fri,25 2024-Sat,26-2024,Sun-27-2024.at the Landmark Resort,Myrtle Beach,South Carolina,


118th Series Workshop on Sat-11-16-2024 at 09:00am, at Tempting Congregational Church,398 Tempting Congregation Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330


5th Sunday Union ,on 12-29-2024 10:00am at Tempting Congregational

Church,398 Tempting Cgurch Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330







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