Our History

This association was organized in 1955 by a group of churches desiring to preserve historic Congregational forms of freedom and fellowship the Congregational Way. With 387 churches and an estimated 100,000 members, it is the largest of several congregational bodies that did not participate in the merger of the General Council of Congregational Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church in the United Church of Christ in 1957.


The National Association brings local churches together for counsel, inspiration, and fellowship but still preserves the independence and autonomy of the local churches. Member churches are either established Congregational Christian churches of affiliated associations of local churches in sympathy with the purposes of the associations.


Conference Structure

A moderator presides over an anuual meeting of all the churches, and executive committee of 12, elected for four (4) years, acts for the association between meetings. Eight (8) commissions - Christian education, the minstry, publications, womens's work, world Christian relations, and spiritual resources - work under the direction of the executive committee. Four (4) divisions of the Corporation of the National Association provide a Missionary Society, a building and loan fund, Foundation for Theological Studies, and new church development.


A unique feature of the organization is found in its Referendum Council, which on call of 10 per cent of the churches and by a two-thirds vote may modify any action or proposal of any of the national bodies or officers of the associations.


There is no binding ecclesiastical authority and no required subscription to any creed or program. It does a widespread missionary work at home and overseas in the Philippines, Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, Hong Kong, Formosa, Greece, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Central America and South India. The Congregationalist, a denominational perodical founded in 1849, was revived in 1958 as the monthly journal of the association. The national offices are maintained in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.



Executive Committee Officers


Moderator................................................................Rev. Larry Barrett

Vice Moderator...................................................Elder Charles Harrison

Secretary...........................................................Sister Lorretta Maness

Asst. Secretary..................................................Sisiter Annie Johns

Treasurer...........................................................Rev Janer Beck

Financial Secretary............................................Elder Anthnoy Prince

Assistant Treasurer.

Missionary President.........................................Rev Rachel Brower

YPSCE...............................................................Miss Kanani Evans

Field Worker......................................................Elder E.Julius Carter

SS Convention President...............................Rev.Liston Breington

Women's Retreat President...........................Miss Lorretta Maness

Men's Ministry President................................Elder E.Julius Carter

IT Team President ..........................................Elder E.Julius Carter

BY-Law Chairperson......................................Deacon Terry Wyatt


        UPCOMING Event 


5th Sunday Union,0n 09-29-2024,at 10:00am Mary Grove Congregational Church,3836 Mary Grove Church Rd,

Mebane, North Carolina 27302.


Women's 13th Annual Women's Retreat, Fri,25 2024-Sat,26-2024,Sun-27-2024.at the Landmark Resort,Myrtle Beach,South Carolina,


118th Series Workshop on Sat-11-16-2024 at 09:00am, at Tempting Congregational Church,398 Tempting Congregation Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330


5th Sunday Union ,on 12-29-2024 10:00am at Tempting Congregational

Church,398 Tempting Cgurch Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330







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