Background Summary of the North Carolina Conference of Congregational Churches, Inc.



The North Carolina Conference of Congregational Churches, Inc. is a fellowship of churches. Each church governs by itself and has its own autonomy. The churches are able to choose their own ministers.  The conference started in 1879. They grew in number and later many churches decided to depart in 1957.


The remaining churches decided to advance and met in March 1st Day Session, which was formerly called the Middle-District Association, which convenes on the fourth Saturday and the Annual Conference convenes on the fourth Friday and Saturday.


They organized the Fifth Sunday Union Meeting which is held on the fifth Sunday quarterly from the rotation list of churches.  The churches are benefitted spiritually in fellowship and financially.


Other functions of the conference include the Sunday School Convention, the Conference Workshop, Youth Day, Women’s Retreat, and Men’s Retreat. Churches are not obligated to attend these functions.


The North Carolina Conference of Congregational Churches, Inc. is affiliated with the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.  The central office location is in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. We have two churches that are full members of the National Association.  The National Association provides our churches with materials of information as a source for us to share in world missions.           


        UPCOMING Event 


118th Series Workshop on Sat-11-16-2024 at 09:00am, at Tempting Congregational Church,398 Tempting Congregation Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330


5th Sunday Union ,on 12-29-2024 10:00am at Tempting Congregational

Church,398 Tempting Cgurch Rd,Sanford North Carolina 27330







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