February 6, 2021
NC Conference of Congregational Churches INC.
Credential Committee Meeting was held via Conference Call…time 10:00 a.m. The following people were present:
Moderator – Rev. Larry Barrett
Vice Moderator – Elder Charles Harrison
Secretary – Loretta Maness
Credential Committee Members:
Rev. Barry
Palmer Tempting Congregational Church
Rev. Liston
Brewington Collins Chape Congregational Church
Deacon Melvin
Dick Wadeworth Congregational Church
Rev. Otto
Burston Wadeworth Congregational Church
Church Representatives:
Deacon Terry
Wyatt Collins Chapel Congregational Church
Sister Mary
Hayes Union Grove Congregational Church
Sister Mary
Dick Wadeworth Congregational Church
E.Julius Carter Alston Grove Congregational Church
- The Conference IT Department has set up email addresses through the IONOS Email Portal. Question was asked if the Conference needed to have a Training
Session to help people with logging in to the Conference email Portal…Decided that the IT Department could send out direction packets to Officers in the Conference, along with Church Secretary’s,
that have been given an email address, and if there were any questions the IT Department could be notified. This email communication will help with documents that are sent between Conference
Officers. This will be a way of compiling conversations and documents for future reference. IT mentioned that email addresses have already been setup for each Conference Church. Email addresses have
also been setup for Conference Officers as well.
- Rev. Liston Brewington stated that the Conference needed to be moving forward and doing something. Discission was made that the Conference have virtual
5th Sunday Union Programs via Zoom. However, before this begins the Conference will feature a Program viz Zoom entitled “Coming Together Virtually.” This program has been set for Saturday
March 27, 2021, time 6:00 p.m. Sister Mary Hayes will work up the Program for that date with the help of Rev. Beck.
Meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Barry Palmer.
Next meeting with the Credential Committee will be March 6, 2021 @ 10:00.
Moderator – Rev. Larry Barrett
Vice Moderator – Elder Charles Harrison
Secretary – Sister Loretta Maness